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Ms. Perez's Computer Class Web Page

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Technology Education


Computer ImageMany of us agree that students need to increase their technology literacy in order to be competitive globally. However, before we can support our children and prepare them with the 21st century skills they need in order to be successful in our global economy, we must first get a full understanding of what technological literacy is.

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Technology Literacy

What it is

According to engauge, technology literacy is "knowledge about what technology is, how it works, what purposes it can serve, and how it can be used efficiently and effectively to achieve specific goals."

Encouraging Technology Literacy

The first step in fostering technology literacy is having the technology available. For those affected by the digital divide, their limited exposure to technology in school or at the library is not enough. Additionally, from technology literacy's definition, we know that just setting kids loose on technology is not enough. In fact, present technology without knowledge and guidance can become a detriment a child's overall education even in the area of technological literacy.

Keeping that in mind, the second component for encouraging technology literacy then becomes the type of time children spend using technology. NCREL identifies informational, digital, new, computer, computer technology, and media as sub-literacies within the scope of technology literacy. In order to gain those skills, children need quality time manipulating and using technology beyond playing their favorite online casual games.

This is not to say that regular non-educational games are not at all beneficial to children. In fact, recent studies suggest that video games help foster problem solving and strategy skills. This of course depends on the game as some games are more likely than others to teach those skills.

Other Issues

Digital Divide

More information to come. Visit for more information about the digital divide.

Online Safety

While we want to ensure our students get access to technology and information, online dangers are real. Teachers and parents alike should moniter student online use, inform children of potential online danger, and empower children to make safe online choices. Safekids online has 10 rules kids can follow to help keep them safe from online predators and online bullying.

(more resources to come)

NETS (National Educational Technology Standards) Along with the national teacher standards for technology, you will find standards for students, lesson plans


OET (Office of Educational Technology) Web page for the Learning Resource Center in New Jersey. The Learning Resource Center provides resources for both parents and teachers. Members pay a two dollar fee and can sign out a variety of education books and resources or borrow educational games as well. The Resource Center also includes discounted laminating an photocopies along with shape cutters and construction paper. Directions are included on the web page.


TeacherTubeTeachertube is an online video archive resource much like YouTube. However, have an educational twist. Creative teachers have posted their classroom video projects or informative, instructional videos. These range from silly and funny videos like eraser care to understanding computer hardware. These videos can be used as a classroom resource for teachers who want to incorporate another teaching style in their class.

ISTE (Internation Society for Technology in Education)This web page provides educator resources for technology and professional development.

Digital This is a web page that provides more information on the digital divide, fallacies surrounding the digital divide,, and a plan to decrease the digital divide.

[Photograph]. Retrieved October 16, 2007, from:
Rubin, D. (2004, May).Video game skills may give edge on life. The sydney morning herald. Retrieved October 17, 2007 from: 5268977.html
North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. (2001, October). Critical issue: using technology to enhance literacy instruction. [Author]. Retrieved October 16 from:


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© Marixa Perez, February 10, 2008